Monday, October 15, 2007

Paige Paige Paige

Welp, after viewing the amazing blogs of Paige and Mandy I decided to try out a blog myself. I dont know if it will be as creative or cool as the ones I have seen, but I will give it a go. After spending this past week with the amazing women of the Erekson family I have recommited myself to decorating my apartment to its greatest potential, finding sales whenever and where ever I can and stocking up, and creating a strong sisterly bond with my sisters. I learned so much on this trip, but no lesson as great as "no sleep equals tired eyes and headaches!" I loved the temple trip and felt so comforted by the fact that Erica didn't had no idea what she was doing either. I loved the shopping trips with Granma Erekson and the "girls". They were inspirational. Down East was truly a revolution in my shopping history. I loved staying up late telling stories about our lives and was especially grateful to those who were so interested in mine. I loved finding a new friend and building a closer relationship with my inspiring sister in law and loving mother in law. By the third day I thought I would surely died if I tried to keep up with Jody, but everyone else reassured me that its ok to give up. I loved this trip and the experiences that came with it and I have found it so so so hard to return to the "real world". Especially in the morning. But, returning to my husband and seeing the smile on his face and feeling his arms around me was all worth it. I never knew how much he would miss me and how much more I would love him after spending a week with amazing women who made the rest of the "world" go away.
P.S. I am so glad I am one of Paige's new favorites, because I loved her!


Heather said...

Yeah!! We can be blog friends now. I still haven't figured out how to do all the cool stuff on my blog page yet either. Yours looks great though. Well done Mrs.Clonts!