Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

For Thanksgiving this year Dallas and I split our time as usual. We started our day with 2 turkey bowls for Dallas and a great workout for Jenn. Out of the ordinary though, I (Jenn) had to actually cook! I think this is the first Thanksgiving I was asked to make something. I am 25 though so I guess I have to start sometime. Everything turned out great. After our morning Dallas and I went to Nana and Papa's place for our first Thanksgiving meal with is mom's side. Everything was really good. especially his moms sweet potatoes. They were made with extra love and boy did we love her for that. After the meal i helped clean up and chatted with the family while dallas took a nap. The turkey kicked in really quick. After Dallas woke up we said our goodbyes and made our way over to see my family and to eat our second meal. Ugh!


Trevor and Lauren said...

Oh I miss you guys! Trev said he likes the background, very nice!!!! I still am so sold on ours!
And thanks about the star, I took a risk and got creative. It turned out alright.
And yes, Trev is coming to Twilight with me:) Although I don't think he knows what he getting himself into...... Too late now I suppose. Question- is your hair currently blond? Or brown?
I don't know why I think that it is brown......
We love you guys, thanks for keeping up on the blog, its great to see what is going on the in the world of my favy cousins.

Trevor and Lauren said...

Oh sorry I should have proof read my entry.
I meant' I still not so sold on ours' referring to the background. Sorry